
Isracard Group, a leading Israeli credit card company with over 40 years of experience, providing advanced business management solutions.


The original dashboard is outdated both in terms of functionality and visual appeal. The navigation system is convoluted and not intuitive, making it difficult for clients to effectively manage their financial operations.

Redesign dashboard, Responsive version, Color System, Iconography, Accessibility


UX/UI design, creation of UI dashboard


Update the UX/UI to make the dashboard more intuitive and user-friendly. Our goal is to create an efficient and modern digital platform for optimizing business management. We aim to provide users with tools that help them make more informed decisions and improve the productivity of their business processes.

First stage

We have started developing a responsive website for desktop computers, considering that 90% of users prefer this platform when working from the office. At the initial design stage, we focused on creating the login interface, registration process, and main dashboard page.


Registration new users

The registration process for a new client was lengthy and involved a lot of data entry, which created difficulties for new users. To address this issue, we divided the registration process into several stages. Each stage is accompanied by a progress indicator and a corresponding heading, providing clear instructions to users. These changes significantly reduced the number of errors in form completion, shortened the registration time, and increased user satisfaction.

Dashboard homepage

The dashboard's homepage contains a wealth of key business information, making it difficult to quickly assess and make decisions. To facilitate this process for users, we visualized some of the information using charts.

We also added interactive features that allow users to access supplementary data and conduct more in-depth analysis based on their needs. This helped users navigate the data more quickly and make informed decisions, thereby increasing efficiency.

Next stage

Our goal was not only to create a lightweight and intuitive design but also to provide customers with a calm and comfortable working environment. We paid special attention to details to ensure that each interface element served its purpose, allowing users to focus on key business management tasks without unnecessary strain.

Data filtering optimization

During the development of filters, we identified issues with information filtering, necessitating several improvements. We reorganized input fields, added subheadings, and refined micro-copy to make the data filtering process more intuitive and user-friendly. Our goal was to create a more efficient search method that would make it easier for users to work with the data.

Filter results optimization

After analyzing the filtration process, we identified the need to improve the display of results. The issue was that filtration occurred on one page while results were displayed on another, making it difficult for users to understand the data.

To address this problem, we added a block displaying selected filters directly on the results page. This allows users to clearly see which data they entered for filtration. Additionally, we added a button that allows users to easily return to the filters page as needed.
Our goal was to create a more efficient filtration method to simplify data handling for our users.

Workspace design

Our goal was not only to create a lightweight and intuitive design but also to provide customers with a calm and comfortable working environment. We paid special attention to details to ensure that each interface element served its purpose, allowing users to focus on key business management tasks without unnecessary strain.

Design iconography

Two sets of icons were developed to clearly distinguish between icons intended for business management and graphical icons. This approach helps users orient themselves more quickly in the interface, making their dashboard experience more intuitive and efficient. The first set of icons focuses on functionality and management tools, while the second emphasizes visual elements and graphical data representation. Such an approach ensures a more comfortable user interaction with the dashboard, highlighting the significance of each icon category in its usage context.

Illustration icons

The first set features illustrated icons that bring the design to life and add a sense of individuality. Some icons have been animated to improve interaction and aid clients in understanding the processes better.

Line icons

The second set includes linear icons that were used for actions. They create a sense of spaciousness and prevent visual clutter in the control panel.

Color system

We designed an accessible color palette that takes into consideration the needs of users with color vision deficiencies. We also made sure to choose colors that were harmonious and conveyed the brand's personality effectively.

Primary colors



#53, 42, 255

Royal blue


67, 100, 246

Navy blue


2, 6, 126

Ship gray


67, 100, 246

Secondary colors



235, 233, 233

Spun pearl


175, 168, 186

Grey purple


2, 6, 126

Hawkes blue


217, 224, 253

Dark blue


10, 0, 195



222, 0, 0

Darkish green


35, 128, 47

Electric violet


162, 64, 247


In this project, I fulfilled the role of a UX/UI designer in a team that included other UX designers, product managers, a project manager, and programmers. My main responsibility was to create the UI dashboard and perform tasks related to UX. Along with my colleagues, I actively participated in designing dashboard iterations throughout the entire project, from start to finish. This experience significantly enhanced my UX design skills and taught me how to collaborate effectively in a team.